Bronze Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Sculpture

The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a breed of dog originating in Ireland. There are four coat varieties: Traditional Irish, Heavy Irish, English, and American. These dogs have a single coat which sheds very little hair, so they can be more easily tolerated by people allergic to other breeds.
(source wikipedia)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sanding Gloves for shaping Styrofoam

sanding gloves

I came across these sanding gloves and I am hoping they will assist me in the shaping of the foam that will serve as the armature. 

They are suitable for both left and right handed users, for faster and comfortable, hand sanding. I ordered two so that I can use them on each hand. 

When sculpting, symmetry is important. In other words, what I feel on one hand I ensure the other hand will shape accordingly.  

The sanding glove comes with one coarse 60 grit pad. The 60 grit should be able to remove the desired amount of foam.  In the past I used rasp, but they have their limitation. 

Conforms to all types of shapes and surfaces, the firm yet flexible structure of the sanding glove helps eliminate fatigue encountered when holding a sanding block and the open mesh fabric provides ventilation.  

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